During an unforgettable journey through the heart of the Australian outback, guests participated in a one-off experience with Defender in the Flinders Ranges. Arkaba, a wild bush conservancy hosted the guests to create an immersive and luxurious outdoor adventure that left them speechless during their multi-day adventure in South Australia.
Located around five hours from Adelaide, Arkaba offered guests an exclusive opportunity to experience the beauty of the majestic Flinders Ranges. During their stay, guests participated in a range of unique activities. Educational fauna and flora bush walks introduced them to the rich biodiversity of the area, as well as assisting with tree planting to contribute to the overall conservation efforts in the region.
Of course, a trip to the bush wouldn’t be complete without off-roading in the iconic Defender. The highlight of the experience was guests having the opportunity to perfect their off-roading skills in the legendary Defender, guided by expert instructors amidst ideal conditions.